Franz cell

The Vertical Diffusion Cell (VDC) HDT 1000 and HDT1 are devices used in the in vitro determination of drug release from semisolid drug dosage forms.

VDC HDT 1000

With precision heating and integrated powerful magnetic stirrers, Copley’s compact HDT 1000 test system offers full control over all these parameters and has become the benchmark Vertical diffusion cell test system for many labs.

Using an innovative heating block approach, the HDT 1000 eradicates the difficulties and the « spaghetti » of tubing associated with water-jacketed cell systems and accommodates either endpoint, discrete manual or fully automatic sampling techniques. A dedicated stirrer mounted beneath each station ensures thorough mixing throughout testing for accurate sampling.


A simple test system for a single diffusion cell.

This is a smaller alternative for the main HDT 1000, ideal for entry-level semisolids testings.

We also provide different types of cells for your experiments.

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